Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Evidence that Tennessee Needs to Invest in Education

Since the media has prematurely declared Obama president, I am being proactive to lead the movement to impeach him."

Holy FUCKTARDS Batman.


  1. On the plus side, it's nice to have such a worthy fucktard as first Fucktard Of The Day. (Will we abbreviate to FOTD?)

  2. Not that I'm looking to open myself up to ridicule, but that guy did go to my high school, and then to the college where I currently work. So I don't think his educational opportunities are the problem. I think it's his comprehension skills. That whole 'movement' nonsense and its members smack of Trekkie/D&D/conspiracy theory/sci fi fantasy. It's like how sometimes I pretend that I'm Buffy and can kick people's cans.

  3. Here's more from the creator of that FB page:

    "The election of Obama will transform our country into a country with all of the majesty
    of many other nations with Black leaders such as Congo, Zaire, Liberia, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Nigeria

    There are no world superpowers with black leaders. Obama brings a chance to set our country back to compete
    with the most primitive of nations.

    The cities with the highest crime rates all have Black mayors and a large percentage of black residents. There is no major metropolitan area
    with black leadership that does not have signifigant problems with gangs, educational attrition (drop outs), and crime in general. We must ask ourselves. Can our country survive being pulled down
    to the level of third world countries?"

    This guy embarrasses me. And I don't embarrass easily.

  4. We might have to give this guy a second day as FotD.
