Thursday, November 13, 2008

Me good talker. You talk good too?

This is from conservative blogger John Hindraker. He apparently has never watched David Letterman, or any other TV show for that matter. Or read the paper. Or listened to the radio.

"Obama thinks he is a good talker, but he is often undisciplined when he speaks. He needs to understand that as President, his words will be scrutinized and will have impact whether he intends it or not. In this regard, President Bush is an excellent model; Obama should take a lesson from his example. Bush never gets sloppy when he is speaking publicly. He chooses his words with care and precision, which is why his style sometimes seems halting. In the eight years he has been President, it is remarkable how few gaffes or verbal blunders he has committed. If Obama doesn't raise his standards, he will exceed Bush's total before he is inaugurated."

I'm glad Mr. Hindraker is attempting to educate the American public on Presidential gaffing. (I just made that word up...if Bush can do it, so can I.)

1 comment:

  1. Ignorant sod indeed. How could this guy think Bush hasn't scrambled every speech he's given in eight years? Does this guy have/need a dictionary?
